We the Members, having assembled in a formal membership meeting, in order to provide an organizational framework for those in Outagamie County who share our beliefs do ordain and establish this constitution for the Republican Party of Outagamie County.
This constitution nullifies, supersedes, and takes precedence over any previous constitutions that were used prior to its effective date.
The name of this organization shall be the Republican Party of Outagamie County, which may be abbreviated as RPOC.
The purpose of this organization shall be to coordinate and unify under one central organization the activities of Republicans in Outagamie County. The RPOC shall advance Republican principles in the county, advance those principles in local, State, and National Republican Parties, and recruit and help elect Republican candidates to public office.
SECTION 1. Members
Membership in the organization shall only be open to Outagamie County residents of voting age who are eligible to vote in any national, state, or county election and who believe in the following objectives:
-To preserve and advance fundamental Republican principles and policies.
-To develop an aggressive and serviceable county Republican organization.
-To maintain harmony among all Republican organizations.
-To maintain control of the Republican Party of Outagamie County in the hands of grassroots Republicans.
-To preserve our republican form of government as created under the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Wisconsin.
-To elect Republicans to public office.
A Member shall pay dues and meet the membership requirements of the constitution and bylaws of both the Republican Party of Outagamie County and the Republican Party of Wisconsin. No one who is a member of another political party registered with the Federal Elections Commission or the State of Wisconsin Elections Commission may be accepted as or remain a Member of the Republican Party of Outagamie County.
SECTION 2. Associate Members
Individuals who otherwise meet the requirements for RPOC membership but are not residents of Outagamie County or who are not of voting age may become Associate Members. Associate Members have no voting privileges and may not serve as delegates or officers of the RPOC.
An individual may not be a Member or an Associate Member in the Republican Party of Outagamie County unless he/she has paid dues required by the organization. Membership dues are charged annually for a period beginning on January 1st and ending on December 31st of the same year.
A member’s dues must be postmarked or received prior to January 1st of that membership year or the member will neither be eligible, in that membership year, to vote in the annual Republican Party of Outagamie County Caucus nor be eligible for election as a delegate from Outagamie County to the District Republican Caucus or the Republican State Convention.
SECTION 4. Membership Termination
A member may resign by submitting written notice to the Chair. The Chair shall inform the Executive Committee of the resignation at the next Executive Committee meeting. The resignation shall become effective at the conclusion of that meeting.
Membership may be involuntarily terminated by a two-thirds majority vote of a quorum of the Executive Committee with appropriate notice. A person whose membership has been terminated by vote of the Executive Committee may appeal that action to a Meeting of the Membership.
SECTION 1. Officers
A. Officers – The RPOC Officers shall be a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. Each Officer must be a member of the Republican Party of Outagamie County.
B. Nomination of Candidates for Offices – The Chair shall appoint a Nominating Committee of no less than five individuals from among the members of the organization and these appointments shall be confirmed by the Executive Committee at least sixty days prior to a scheduled election. The Nominating Committee shall receive applications from Members for each Officer position to be elected and, after their consideration, report to the Executive Committee the name(s) of one or more nominees for each office to be filled. This report must be submitted to the Executive Committee at least thirty days prior to the scheduled election. The Executive Committee must accept or modify the list of nominees and distribute the final list to the Members at least fourteen days prior to the scheduled election.
C. Election and Term of Office – Officers shall be elected in each odd numbered year by a majority of voting members assembled at a duly constituted County Caucus of the Republican Party of Outagamie County. Each Officer shall be elected for a term beginning immediately upon adjournment of the Caucus at which he/she is elected. He/she shall hold office for a term of two years and until his/her successor is elected. Officers may be removed from office for cause by disciplinary proceedings as provided in the parliamentary authority.
D. Duties of the Chair - The Chair shall be the principal executive officer of the RPOC subject to the direction of the Executive Committee and Membership. The Chair shall have general supervision and direction of the business and affairs of the organization. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee, over the County Caucus and over any other Meetings of the Membership. The Chair shall be responsible, in conjunction with the other Officers of the organization, for the development of a biennial budget for the organization to be presented at a meeting of the Executive Committee no later than forty-five days after the County Caucus in odd-numbered calendar years. The Chair shall serve as an ex-officio member of all committees of the organization except the Nominating Committee. The Chair shall appoint the Chairs and members to all Standing Committees of the organization subject to the advice and consent of the Executive Committee. The Chair shall appoint the Chair and all members of each ad hoc committee he/she creates. The ad hoc committee Chairs and the members of ad hoc committees serve at the pleasure of the RPOC Chair.
E. Duties of the Vice Chair - The Vice Chair shall perform the duties of and have the powers of the Chair in the absence or inability of the Chair to perform them. The Vice Chair shall also perform other duties as the Chair may direct.
F. Duties of the Secretary - The Secretary shall keep, and distribute in a timely manner, the minutes of the County Caucus, Meetings of the Membership, and Executive Committee meetings. The Secretary shall be the custodian of the physical and electronic records of the organization. The Secretary shall perform such other duties as the Chair may direct.
G. Duties of the Treasurer - The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of the funds of the organization from all sources and shall deposit such funds in an account or accounts designated by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall disburse funds as authorized by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the organization’s financial books and records and shall be responsible for the security thereof. The Treasurer shall prepare and report current financial statements, to be distributed in a timely manner for all applicable meetings. The Treasurer shall perform such other duties as the Chair may direct.
H. Vacancies - The Executive Committee is exclusively empowered to fill any vacancy of an Officer position or of an At-Large member of the Executive Committee as soon as possible after the vacancy occurs.
SECTION 2. Executive Committee
A. The Executive Committee shall consist of:
The Officers of the organization, who shall serve as voting members of the Executive Committee throughout their terms of office. The presence of each of these individuals shall be counted when determining a quorum for Executive Committee meetings.
The Chair of each Standing Committee who shall serve as a voting member of the Executive Committee while chairing the Standing Committee. The presence of each Standing Committee Chair shall be counted when determining a quorum for Executive Committee meetings.
At-Large Members. At the annual County Caucus the Members shall elect four At-Large members. The Chair may appoint up to two additional At Large members, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee. Each At-Large member will serve as a voting member of the Executive Committee for a two-year term. The presence of each At-Large member shall be counted when determining a quorum for Executive Committee meetings.
RPOC Members who are Elected Officials shall serve as voting members of the Executive Committee throughout their terms of office. The presence of each of these individuals shall not be counted when determining a quorum for Executive Committee meetings.
A single representative of any recognized affiliate organization existing within Outagamie County. These members shall be appointed to the Executive Committee by the affiliate organization they represent and shall be non-voting members of the Executive Committee. The presence of each of these individuals shall not be counted when determining a quorum for Executive Committee meetings.
The Immediate Past Chair of the organization shall serve as a non-voting member of the Executive Committee and his/her presence shall not be counted when determining a quorum for Executive Committee meetings.
B. The Executive Committee cannot meet and conduct business without achieving a quorum. A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be a majority of its voting members, excepting elected officials as provided in Article IV. Section 2. A. 4. Only voting members in attendance at an Executive Committee meeting shall be eligible to vote. Proxy voting is not allowed.
C. The Executive Committee shall have authority to:
-Fill vacancies of positions that are elected at the County Caucus
-Adopt a biennial budget.
-Amend that budget in light of changes in projected revenues and expenditures during the budget cycle.
-Approve or deny any non-budgeted expenses presented by the Chair.
-Reject any donations, whether monetary or in-kind, of materials or services offered to the organization.
-Endorse Republican candidates for State Senate and State Assembly whose districts include parts of Outagamie -County, and Republican candidates for Outagamie County offices.
-Advise the Chair on the transaction of any other business of the organization between County Caucuses or Meetings of the Membership.
-Make recommendations to the Members of the organization concerning any other business pertaining to the RPOC.
D. The Executive Committee shall meet when called by the Chair or when a written request, signed by a quorum of the Executive Committee is presented to an Officer of the organization.
E. Regular and special meetings of the Executive Committee may be held by electronic means subject to the following requirements:
-A majority of the voting members have access to the specified electronic media.
-A quorum for the meeting shall be established by roll call and, once established, shall be assumed present until the meeting is adjourned.
-The technology used shall allow the members full access to and full participation in all meeting transactions either continuously or intermittently throughout the specified time of the meeting and
-The affirmative vote of a majority of a quorum of the Executive Committee shall be the minimum vote requirement for the adoption of any motion and a roll call vote may be requested by any committee member participating in the meeting.
F. Any member of the Executive Committee who holds or is seeking election to public office may not vote on any motion involving the office he/she holds or for which he/she is a candidate.
G. Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of the Executive Committee except where inconsistent with the Constitution and By Laws of this organization.
SECTION 3. Committees
A. Members and Chairs of each Standing Committee are appointed by the Chair with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee for a term beginning on the date of his/her appointment and ending at the next County Caucus held in an odd-numbered year. Members and Chairs of Standing Committees may be removed by the RPOC Chair with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee.
B. The mandatory Standing Committees of the Republican Party of Outagamie County shall be:
-The Finance Committee
-The Membership Committee
-The Communications Committee
-The Campaign Committee
-The Events Committee
C. The Chair may appoint, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, other Standing Committees.
D. The Chair may appoint ad hoc committees as he/she deems necessary. Ad hoc committee members and chairs serve at the pleasure of the RPOC Chair.
E. Regular and special meetings of standing or ad hoc committees may be held by electronic means subject to the following requirements:
-A majority of the voting members have access to the specified electronic media.
-A quorum for the meeting shall be established by roll call and, once established, shall be assumed present until the meeting is adjourned.
-The technology used shall allow the members full access to and full participation in all meeting transactions either continuously or intermittently throughout the specified time of the meeting and
-The affirmative vote of a majority of a quorum of the committee shall be the minimum vote requirement for the adoption of any motion and a roll call vote may be requested by any committee member participating in the meeting.
F. Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of all standing and ad hoc committees except where inconsistent with the Constitution and By-Laws of this organization.
SECTION 1. The County Caucus
A.The County Caucus shall be called by the RPOC Chair.
B. Only RPOC Members in attendance at the County Caucus shall be eligible to vote. Proxy voting is not allowed.
C. Fifteen Members shall constitute a quorum at the annual County Caucus.
D. The Republican Party of Outagamie County shall hold its annual County Caucus at least thirty days prior the District Caucus but no later than February 28th.
E. If the Chair does not call such County Caucus at least thirty days prior to the District Caucus then the District Chair may call such a caucus for Outagamie County.
F. In either case at least eight days prior to the proposed caucus the membership shall be notified of the time and place of the holding of such caucus by:
-Its being advertised at least twice in one daily or weekly newspaper in the county and/or
-It’s being announced to the membership by written, printed, or electronic notice to each member at his/her last known address.
G. The following business shall be conducted at the County Caucus:
-Adoption of reports of the Caucus Credentials Committee, Secretary, RPOC Chair, and Treasurer.
-Review the report of the Nominating Committee and elect delegates, and alternates if necessary, to the Eighth Congressional District Caucus and the Republican Party of Wisconsin State Convention.
-In odd-numbered years, the Chair of the County Caucus shall invite Members to nominate other candidates for election to each Officer position and to At-Large positions.
-Identify RPOC nominees to serve as members of the Eighth Congressional District Credentials, Rules, Platform and Resolutions Committees.
-Consider and adopt resolutions.
-Any other business necessary to obtain the objectives of the RPOC.
SECTION 2. Election of Delegates
A. At least sixty days prior to the County Caucus the Nominating Committee of no less than five Members shall be appointed by the Chair.
B. The Nominating Committee shall nominate delegates, and alternates if necessary, to represent the Republican Party of Outagamie County at the District Caucus and at the Republican Party of Wisconsin State Convention.
C. The list of nominated delegates and alternates shall be distributed to Members before the call to order of the annual County Caucus.
D. The Chair of the County Caucus shall allow further delegate and/or alternate nominations from Members in attendance at the County Caucus.
E. Delegates shall be elected annually by a majority of the Members in attendance at the County Caucus. No proxy voting is allowed.
SECTION 3. Meetings of the Membership
A. A Meeting of the Membership may be called:
-By The RPOC Chair
-By petition signed by a majority of a quorum of the Executive Committee which shall state the exact purpose of the Meeting.
-Upon petition signed by twenty-five Members which shall state the exact purpose of the Meeting.
B. The RPOC Chair must call a Meeting of the Membership if petitioned to do so by a person whose Membership was involuntarily terminated.
C. Upon a call for a Meeting of the Membership, by the Chair or upon receipt by the Executive Committee of a petition for such Meeting, the Executive Committee shall schedule a Meeting within 30 days and within 10 days send a written or printed notification to each Member at his/her last known address noting the time and place of such Meeting.
D. Only RPOC Members in attendance at the Meeting of the Membership shall be eligible to vote. Proxy voting is not allowed.
E. Fifteen Members shall constitute a quorum of the Meeting of the Membership
SECTION 4. Parliamentary Authority
Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of County Caucuses and Meetings of the Membership except where inconsistent with the Constitution and By-Laws of this organization.
A. In the event of any conflict or ambiguity of this Constitution or with By-Laws adopted hereunder, the Constitution of the Republican Party of Wisconsin shall prevail.
B. In the event of any conflict or ambiguity of this Constitution with By-Laws adopted hereunder, this Constitution shall prevail.
By-laws may be adopted by a majority vote of the Members present at a County Caucus or Meeting of the Membership or by a by a three-fourths vote of the voting members of the Executive Committee.
This Constitution may be adopted by a three-fourths majority vote of those Members in attendance at a Meeting of the Membership duly called only for that purpose.
A. This Constitution may be amended at any County Caucus or Meeting of the Membership if notice and a copy of the proposed amendment or amendments is included in the call to Caucus or Meeting of the Membership notification.
B. An amendment may only be adopted by a three-fourths majority vote of the Members in attendance at the County Caucus or Meeting of the Membership called for the purpose of considering it. Proxy voting is not allowed.
C. Any amendment adopted by this organization is subject to approval by the Executive Committee of the Republican Party of Wisconsin.
There are no bylaws relating to this article of the Constitution.
There are no bylaws relating to this article of the Constitution.
SECTION 1. Members
There are no bylaws relating to this section of the Constitution.
​SECTION 2. Associate Members
There are no bylaws relating to this section of the Constitution.
There are no bylaws relating to this section of the Constitution.
​SECTION 4. Membership Termination
A. The process of involuntary termination of an RPOC Member may be initiated by:
-notice from the RPOC Chair, or
-petition of three members of the Executive Committee, or
-petition by ten Members of the RPOC, presented at an Executive Committee meeting.
B. All aspects of the involuntary termination process shall be conducted by the Executive Committee in closed session.
​C. Upon the initiation of the termination process the Secretary shall, within seven days, notify the Member or Members subject to the termination process in writing of:
-the initiation of the process,
-the grounds on which the process has been initiated, and
-the date and place of the Executive Committee meeting at which the involuntary termination will be considered.
D. A Member subject to the involuntary termination process shall be given at least 15 days between the date of his/her notification and the date of the Executive Committee meeting at which the issue will be considered.
E. A Member subject to the involuntary termination process has a right to prompt consideration of the charges. An Executive Committee meeting must be scheduled within 45 days of the initiation of the process to do so.
F. A Member subject to the involuntary termination process shall, at the Executive Committee meeting considering the termination, be afforded the opportunity to address and refute the grounds supporting involuntary termination and argue for his/her continued RPOC membership.
​G. A person whose membership has been involuntary terminated may, within 30 days of the action, petition in writing the RPOC Chair to call a meeting of the membership to consider his/her appeal of the termination. The RPOC Chair must call such meeting within 30 days of receiving such petition.
​H. A two-thirds vote of Members at the Meeting of Membership is required to affirm the involuntary termination.
SECTION 1. Officers
A. There are no bylaws relating to this sub-section of the Constitution.
B. Nomination of Candidates for Office – The Nominating Committee as referenced in Article IV. Section 1. B. and Article V. Section 2. A. and B. shall nominate candidates for both Officer and Delegate positions, and Alternate Delegate positions if necessary.
​C. There are no bylaws relating to this sub-section of the Constitution.
D. Duties of the Chair
The Chair may appoint a temporary recording secretary for any meeting.
As specified in Article IV. Section 1. D. of the Constitution, the Chair shall preside over the County Caucus. However, the Chair may cede the chairmanship for portions of the County Caucus and Meetings of the Membership. The Chair must cede the chairmanship over the County Caucus or Meetings of the Membership for Officer nominations, Officer elections, motions made by the RPOC Chair, and motions of which the RPOC Chair is the subject.
E. There are no bylaws relating to this sub-section of the Constitution.
F. Duties of the Secretary
“Timely manner,” which appears in Article IV. Section 1. F. of the Constitution shall mean within two weeks of the meetings referenced in that section.
“The physical and electronic records of the organization” which appears in Article IV. Section 1. F. of the Constitution shall include the Treasurer’s Reports and all other reports.
G. Duties of the Treasurer – As specified in Article IV. Section 1. G. of the Constitution “disburse funds as authorized by the Executive Committee” shall mean:
-The Treasurer may disburse funds specified in the budget approved by the Executive Committee without further authorization, and
-The Treasurer may disburse funds to pay for items not previously budgeted after Executive Committee approval.
H. Vacancies – The RPOC Chair shall nominate a candidate or candidates to fill any vacant Officer or At-Large member positions. The Executive Committee shall elect the new Officer or At-Large member by a majority of a quorum. The newly elected Officer or At-Large member shall complete the term of the Officer or At-Large member he/she is elected to replace.
SECTION 2. Executive Committee
A. The Executive Committee shall consist of:
-There are no bylaws relating to this sub-section of the Constitution.
-There are no bylaws relating to this sub-section of the Constitution.
-There are no bylaws relating to this sub-section of the Constitution.
-There are no bylaws relating to this sub-section of the Constitution.
-There are no bylaws relating to this sub-section of the Constitution.
-There are no bylaws relating to this sub-section of the Constitution.
-Non-voting members of the Executive Committee have only the right to attend and speak at open and closed sessions of Executive Committee meetings.
B. There are no bylaws relating to this sub-section of the Constitution.
C. There are no bylaws relating to this sub-section of the Constitution.
D. When a written request, signed by a quorum of the Executive Committee, is presented to an RPOC Officer, that Officer must immediately notify the Chair, who must call a meeting within 30 days after his/her notification of the request, allowing for eight days’ notice prior to the meeting.
E. There are no bylaws relating to this sub-section of the Constitution.
F. There are no bylaws relating to this sub-section of the Constitution.
G. There are no bylaws relating to this sub-section of the Constitution.
SECTION 3. Committees
There are no bylaws relating to this section of the Constitution.
SECTION 1. The County Caucus
A. There are no bylaws relating to this sub-section of the Constitution.
B. There are no bylaws relating to this sub-section of the Constitution.
C. There are no bylaws relating to this sub-section of the Constitution.
D. There are no bylaws relating to this sub-section of the Constitution.
E. There are no bylaws relating to this sub-section of the Constitution.
F. “Electronic notice” as referenced in Article V. Section 1. F. shall mean only notification by email.
G. There are no bylaws relating to this sub-section of the Constitution.
SECTION 2. Election of Delegates
A. The Nominating Committee as referenced in Article IV. Section 1. B. and Article V. Section 2. A. and
B. shall nominate candidates for both Officer and Delegate positions, and Alternate Delegate positions if necessary.
C. There are no bylaws relating to this sub-section of the Constitution.
D. There are no bylaws relating to this sub-section of the Constitution.
E. There are no bylaws relating to this sub-section of the Constitution.
F. There are no bylaws relating to this sub-section of the Constitution.
SECTION 3. Meetings of the Membership
There are no bylaws relating to this section of the Constitution.
SECTION 4. Parliamentary Authority
There are no bylaws relating to this section of the Constitution.
There are no bylaws relating to this article of the Constitution.
There are no bylaws relating to this article of the Constitution.
There are no bylaws relating to this article of the Constitution.
There are no bylaws relating to this article of the Constitution.